
The dark side of NPSLE that no one understands

The dark side of NPSLE that no one understands NPSLE is short term for Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematous. People may not know how NPSLE like me suffers. You may looked well physically, but what is going up in our minds are only known to the sufferers. Sometimes when you are well and lively, you felt that your brain is trapped in a useless body. It frustrates you when you can’t even finished up the whole day tasks planned ahead, as by noon, your body will slow down and joint aches will recur. You try to push yourself to finish up the work, you may need more energy to concentrate and stay focus, but soon…work may be getting slower as you try to do things meticulously to avoid any mistakes that would usually sets in at this point. You are also struggling to hold on and put some amount of energy to the pen you are holding, with the tired and aching fingers. At the same time, trying hard to maintain an illegible handwriting. What I experienced

A Time for Reflection & Hope

Time for Reflection & Hope I think I can do more things like others.  It’s like having lots of ideas and motivation to do things but what pulled me down was that I can't execute all these ideas.  As my brain & body can't synchronize well with stress. I am in a situation whereby it is like, I think I am a good driver but being given an old car that keeps on breaking down along the way. Being in a place seeing others achieving, makes me more compelled to compete as well. But it would make me feel more frustrated & useless if I can't achieve what I think I would be able to achieve. I am kind of excited to try to keep pushing myself, thinking that I can train my brain & body to accept more level of stress. However, I finally come to an awareness that somethings are beyond my limits. I can't control the immunological/neurobiological contributes of my illness. I have being given several lines of treatment but developed side e

A Gratitude for My Success

A Gratitude for My Success  Dear Professors, Associate Professors, Lecturers, Doctors and my dear friends, I would like to express my deepest thanks and gratitude for the teachings, guidance and motivation during the past 4 years. I owe my success to you. ☺ Below is a speech that will be delivered during the Celebration & Appreciation party in Psychiatry Dept, PPUKM on 27th May 2016, specially dedicated for you. Looking back at the past 4 years’ experience, I felt it was a miracle for me to pass this program without getting any extension. It was very challenging for me as there were many unexpected obstacles along the way. Some of you may know that I have SLE. Besides having joint aches and lethargy, I started to become forgetful n can't concentrate well. Before the part 2 exam, my illness was considered refractory as I was given iv cyclophosphasmide every 2 weeks and I developed tonsillitis almost after every cycle of the cyclophosphasmide. I would b